Monday 6 July 2015

Back on track

So, I've been away from here for 3 weeks...

This is mostly to do with a knee injury I sustained (although how still eludes me). After a couple of weeks of missing one workout here or there, I decided to finally go for a week straight rest. The good news is that this seems to have finally worked and my knee finally feels fine again!

So tonight, I was back at the gym on the cross trainer doing my HIIT! It felt great to be back and working out. Looking forward to my 1st strength training back tomorrow too!

So here we go then, with 3 weeks updates! I've still been tracking all my stats and this week is the 1st week I've seen no change in my weight loss (but then no exercise this week). Meant that on the whole, I was being super careful with what I was eating, so I'm pleased to see that there was no gain.
Actually looking at my other measurements, it seems that there was still progress and loss happening through just diet control alone (again showing what a HUGE impact eating correctly has on your overall success).

Business should resume as normal now, and hopefully I'll be posting again next Monday with some hopefully improved stats!

See you then, and have a great week!