Thursday 21 April 2011

Emerging dragonet

Today I have managed to finish and sew on the spikes along the back of my dragonet and I thought I would share the updated pics of how he is coming along! 

I think he is starting to look super cute! :) I have the wings to work on next which I think is going to take me a while, I can't wait to finally finish this project tho!

Saturday 16 April 2011

Halo CTF Tournament

So every May for Gary's birthday, we now hold a Halo Capture the Flag Tournament....which may explain why I have not had too much time to get on with my games list or my reading.

I have completed a little side amigurumi project, I may post pictures later, but am not too taken with it as it was a really rushed job and I think I could have done a lot better.

For the most part, I am concentrating on trying to improve my game of Halo. I have started to play some lone wolves games (I do so-so) to try and just get better with my tactics on different maps and my ability to use different weapons. Gary has been backseat gaming for me as well which does help...even if he thinks he is annoying me as I get a little snappy every now and again ;)

The Tournament this year will take place on May hopefully I will get some snapshots of the general goings on and update everyone on here as to how it went!

Next week at work is going to prove to be busy for me, but I am going to try and fit in some reading,crochet and Okami-den on my lunch breaks as and when I can. Dragon Age II feels like it has dropped off the edge of the earth to me as it has been so long since I have played it. I really MUST get back into it, but it may not happen until after the tournament as I really need to spend my time playing Halo to get better :)

Hope everyone is well and having fun!

Saturday 9 April 2011

Kawaii Cupcake

I finished my 3rd little amigurumi project yesterday, a cute little cupcake, and decided that he was just too cute not to give to a friend. Thought I would just share the picture tho that I took before I gave it to Steph!

Cute ickle cupcake guy with a cherry on top ^_^
Today I am starting work on my dragon pattern that I got from an Etsy seller...Have just completed the 2 eyes...a looooong way to go! Might try and play some Dragon Age II as well after I have been horse riding. Hope everyone else is having a lovely sunny Saturday and gets to do something fun in the sun >_<

Friday 8 April 2011

Need to focus

I have been fairly busy with work this last week so far, right on the back of the busy weekend, so I feel like I have made little progress on my list of things to do.

I have started a new pattern for a little amigurumi cupcake, but it's not really been the focus of my attention. In fact, it feels a little like nothing particular has been the focus of my attention all week! I have been feeling pretty wiped most evenings, opting to go to bed early rather than play games or read my book, so I really feel like I need to get it together this weekend and get slightly pro-active again with my projects!

There also has been the new addition of scheduling in practice time for the upcoming Halo 3 CTF Tournament that we hold every year...So far, this practice time has been far and few between, but I need to make some headway with this if I don't want to let my team down!

I have also started now attacking the wedding invitations! Gathering up all the addresses that I am going to need. Think I will concentrate on just getting out the family invites first. I have a lot to do, so I think it makes sense to split the task up a bit to make it a bit more manageable. :)

Saturday evening we should be having a fun filled board game evening! Hoping we get to play an epic game of Tomb as it has been a long time since we have played this. Hoping we get to go in pairs as I really enjoy getting to sneakily discuss tactics that I come up with to my partner and working out ways we might be able to win!
It's also the end of season game of basketball on Sunday, so there will be fun at the supporters club after with bidding on players shirts and so on. Last year was quite a laugh, so am looking forward to it again this year.

So really this is the start of another pretty busy weekend! I still have horse riding on Saturday too, so just hoping I get a chance to fit in some other bits along the way! Namely finishing reading 'The Wasp Factory' and playing some more Okami-Den.

Monday 4 April 2011

Busy busy busy bee

I knew I was going to have a hectic weekend!!

Friday evening, I was trying out hair styles for my wedding with my friends Katharine Scott. It was a real good evening, and once we had decided on the 'one' managed to create a couple of other funky hair do's like this one!

Definitely NOT the final pick for the 'Big Day'!!
Meanwhile, Gary was putting Stephanie through her paces playing Halo 3 for the upcoming Annual Halo 3 Capture the Flag Tournament!!

Saturday, was more wedding stuff, with an outing with my flower girl's mum Lauren Dover. We had a lovely time picking out adorable dresses and having Daisy proclaim she felt like a princess. Grabbed some lunch and went for a wander round the shops, where I was taught that the correct order of counting is 'One, two, four, five' by Daisy...I knew I was always getting something wrong!!
We went for a hack during our horse riding lesson - which was a nice change on the one hand, but I am rather hoping to progress onto canter sometime soon, so am keen to stick to schooling for the meantime!
Picked up Gary and headed to the Surrey Sports Park for the basketball. Was there rather early, so got to sit in Starbucks for a while with tea, gingersnaps, humous and carrot sticks and Okami-den. Was pretty awesome!!
The basketball was awesome too, with a really close game which the Heat won by 2 points in the end!
We then went home with Steph and Si for pizza and Halo!! After they left at midnight, and we were just climbing into bed, our friend Chuck called and asked to pop over for a cuppa too! It was a late night, but ended a pretty awesome day. So all in all, although I didn't work on many things from my list of 'to do' (apart from Okami-den) it was a really productive day.

Yesterday was Mother's Day, so needless to say we spent that with my mother - good times ^_^
Had our friend Tom over in the evening for food, chats and Halo. Rounded off the weekend in a great way :)

That's about everything accomplished this weekend! I know I have a busy week ahead too, so will try my best to keep my posts coming, but being away for work in Harwich on Wednesday and Thursday might mean it will be a slow week for gaming...maybe some reading while I am away instead?!
